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Configure local routing rules

Table of contents

  1. Email routing for a domain
    1. Match
    2. Action

Email routing for a domain

Routing configuration for a domain is stored at /etc/mailway/domain.d/$DOMAIN.yaml, where $DOMAIN is the name of your domain.

Rules are devided into two parts:

  • match: condition on which the rule is run or not
  • action: task that is run on the email

Rules are executed in order and a rule can specifiy multiple matches and/or actions.


Possible conditions:

  • all: matches everything
  • literal: exact match against a field of the email.
    • field: from (email sender), to (email recipient) or subject (email subject)
    • value: value to match against
  • regex: pattern match against a field of the email.
    • field: from (email sender), to (email recipient) or subject (email subject)
    • value: value to match against
  • timeAfter: matches after the specific time passed; timestamp in ms.


Possible conditions:

  • drop: ignore the email
  • forward: send the email to another email address; value is an array of addresses.
  • webhook: call a provided endpoint with informations about the email; value is an array whose first element is an URL and second a secret key to sign the request. Find information about webhooks.

For example the configuration for the domain:

  - match:
      - type: literal
        field: to
        value: [email protected]
      - type: forward
            - [email protected]

  - match:
      - type: all
      - type: drop